Artist-in-Residence and photographer Jo Sittenfeld collaborated with teens in a Project Open Door after-school program at Shea High School in Pawtucket to produce some extraordinary images. The photographs have now been installed as a mural in the Department of Teaching + Learning in Art + Design's reception area in the CIT Building at RISD. The collaboration between Jo and the Shea teens led to the work being exhibited at the Atrium Gallery of the Rhode Island Statehouse and the production of a portfolio of the photographs made available for purchase through Blurb - the on-line publisher. Project Open Door (POD) is RISD's college access program, housed in the Department of Teaching + Learning in Art + Design (TLAD) and designed for under-served teens attending Rhode Island's urban public and charter high schools. POD is a practicum field site for students in TLAD's MA program (Community Arts Education track).